Stage II results were declared on 24 Jan 2012 and the top three students recieving awards in the order of their scores are:
- Abhinav Menon Dubai International Academy, Dubai - (Abhinav Philosopher)
- Nishith Khandwala Our Own English High School, Mumbai - (Excellence in Philosophy)
- Archita Mitra Gundecha Education Academy, Mumbai - (Excellence in Philosophy)
As per the rule, I have asked
Abhinav Menon & Nishith Khandwala to join the team and they have both agreed. The
IPO 2012 is in Oslo, Norway from the 16th to 20th of May, 2012.
Training would proceed in the following manner:
- Online Assignments
- Starting in a week
- Bi-weekly
- Reading of a paper/article and browsing concepts from the web followed by pondering over questions posed in the assignment
- Write-up: either an essay if the assignment requires a thorough opinion OR simply a few paragraphs for answering the questions posed
- Three days for each work to be submitted, including the day the assignment is posted
- Direction and subject-area of topics will be decided on the basis of the capacity and interest of the team members
- Online Discussions
- When most of the other students (also preparing for future IPO's) become free from exams; tentatively end-of-March
- Skype or similar tech for video conferencing (local students will meet in my school)
- 3-4 hour discussions on a pre-decided topic (team IPO has to prepare and lead the discussions)