May 14, 2010

Truth-value and its conditions
· Proposition- expresses truth or falsity
· In logic- proposition follows from an argument, e.g. Aristotelian logic, proposition talks about relation of subject with predicate
Subject is p, predicate follows from argument, logic in argument is valid
· Conditions of p being true lie in premises of the argument along and in validity
Conditions like soundness, consistency
· What conditions qualify for ‘true’ – conditionals should be valid for its sense? or truth about p?
E.g bad argument [of unrelated conditionals] vs. good argument [validity+ truth}]
· Sense of proposition - way to refer to an object, establish content as defined
· Sense of proposition allowing/ giving conditions that do not give meaning of subject in proposition
· Therefore determine the conditions required for p being true; then sense of proposition
Therefore knowing ‘black’ and ‘white’ is a pre-requisite, truth-value of a proposition can be understood when sense understood and truth-value be determined when conditions for it are known
· Knowing the truth important- to know its conditions

1 comment:

  1. Clarify these -
    Is Wittgenstein stating that only propositional logic can have truth-value?
    What about layman statements?
    What happens if you have no argument, but only a statement?


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