May 14, 2010

If we hold a sense of freedom in common, we are still free

· Common sense- how does a ‘free’ man see

· Does common sense make us see freedom from different angle; personal freedom and political freedom

· How is change hindered by ‘freedom’- whimsical actions an important determinant of presence of freedom; changes- why and when do they seem impossible

· Why are we not free? We don’t choose to be born but aren’t we born free, the way we are born, way we ‘can’ think, therefore freedom not devoid of previous ideas, induced ideas

· field of freedom- to be void of boundaries: potency to break free [if not in its materialistic sense] when clashes with previous ideas

· If- I am what I am because of everything about my past, then impotency lying in wanting to be someone else and not being able to: we do not ‘escape’, we can change if we want to, most of us are seen not changing out of their understanding of common sense aligning with freedom

· Idea of freedom- when there is no coercion, when there is choice, acceptance of all aspects of freedom, thus tolerance, therefore understanding of that choice,

1 comment:

  1. induction of thought - is it because we are born thiking or is it because we are born into a world where we have to interact with those who are here before us
    impotency - you claim that people do not want to change and thus you are against the author here. Also, Sartre speaks with a larger sense of the change which you have not grasped. Sartre means that people do not let you change and that all your thoughts or actions are influenced or governed by those near & dear to you and then by the general public.
    Again you talked more on what you think and less on what Sartre says


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